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SIMON ZAKU - Content Writing, SEO, and Blogging

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Hello, Buddies! My name is Simon ZAKU, founder of and

Thank you for joining me and as a gift, I'll welcome you to the “Blog that Converts” eCourse that will teach you practically, how to write and create exceptional content for your company blog that solves your audience's pain points, attract 1000s of traffic & leads and convert them to users or customers and clients.

Before we begin, here's who this group or forums (and course) is for:

This email course and forum is for you if;

  1. You run a blog or want to run a blog for your business.

  2. You run a b2b or b2c agency, startup, or a mid-sized company and want to scale using content marketing.

  3. You run a SaaS company blog (or plan to start one soon) and are looking to use your company blog to grow your company’s influence and hopefully convert blog readers into customers.

  4. You want to learn a hidden blueprint to turning your blog to a profitable marketing funnel.

Years back, I was just a normal kid from Taraba state, Nigeria who had big dreams but didn't know how to get there. I wanted to be that one person who changes my entire family for good.

I wanted to be like a savior to my parents and siblings because I was fed up with the way things were going on in the family.

I had a lot going on in my tender mind.


Exactly 2 years after starting my blog,, I’ve;

  • Published several blog posts that have done over 10,000 social shares in total

  • Built an email list of 100’s of awesome entrepreneurs [like you].

  • Been featured and quoted as an expert on some of the top marketing publications and blogs like,,,,,, and more.

  • Been nominated for the “Best Internet Marketing Blog 2019” category by Infinity Blog Awards.

  • Made some money from the blog

  • And most of all, gotten feedbacks & comments like these…

"Wow, Simon! This is the best article I have ever read on Twitter and I have PAID good money to learn more about it. You gave this for free, I can’t wait to learn more from you and am subscribing to you today! I am going to start trying these steps one by one as I have time and I can’t wait to see the results" – Amy Marohl, "Nice one, Simon! A lot of relatively quick yet effective tips for growing an audience. Your content always delivers. (Cheers for including me, too!) Keep up the great work over there!" - Sam Hurley, #1 Digital Marketer, Awesome post. I, being new on Twitter was looking for ways to increase my followers and this post just came at the right moment. Thanks for the brilliant insights brought out using your real-life experiences.” – Disa Rastogi, Hi Simon, what a wonderful and helpful post it is! All these 7 techniques are really unique and helpful too". - T.I Antor, And was fortunate enough to build healthy relationships with some of the top marketing influencers and expert bloggers like…

Rebekah Radice, Mark Schaefer, Sam Hurley, Mary Fern, Adam Connell, Katherine Sullivan, Keith Keller, Samantha Kelly, Madalyn Sklar, Evan Carmichael, Donna Moritz, Janice Wald, Lilach Bullock, Aaron Orendorff, and many others. Now, enough of me, I've decided I wanted to use the skills I've accumulated over the years to show companies like yours how to do the same. Basically, I am on a mission to help SaaS startups & companies start and scale a company blog that attracts targeted 'buy ready traffic which converts into sales. Think the Buffer blog or Hootsuite marketing blog... How was Buffer able to build one of the largest company blogs on the internet using useful content? That's basically what this course is about.

So what can you expect from me? Well, I have an itinerary below so you know exactly what to expect over the next few days, starting in exactly an hour's time! COURSE OUTLINE:

LESSON 1: Coming up with the best, profitable content Ideas.

LESSON 2: A secret approach to validate your content ideas.

LESSON 3: How to actually write the best, killer content every time.

(Bonus): LESSON 4: After publishing your blog post, what next?

Now here's your Pre-Course Assignment.

I want you to drop a comment below and reply with;

1. Your company/blog/website URL 2. The one reason you want to learn about content marketing (blogging).

Are you ready to begin?

Expect your first lesson soon where I'll show you how to come up with the best blog post ideas for long-term blogging success.

Thank you once more for joining my journey!

Talk soon, Simon Zaku

Simon Taki Zaku
Simon Taki Zaku
Simon Taki Zaku
Mar 13, 2023

Thank you my friend for joining me here ;)

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