A Google (& Bing) Search Console Hack
Updated: Jul 29
Hello everybody, Your favorite SEO Writing Specialist, Simon T. Zaku here.
Once more, thank you so much for reaching this far in this FREE SEO blogging course. I appreciate your learning ethic.
My goal with this website and SEO course has been to create the best SEO blog in the world.
Course Recap:
We began with breaking myths around fast Google rankings.
I showed you LIVE blog pages on this very website that started ranking within 7 days on Google.
We talked about generating SEO content ideas, we talked about doing SEO keyword research, and then we went on to SEO writing. After writing, we saw some secret ways to optimize your blog post page for search engines (and humans).
So the next important lesson is quite a short, actionable, yet powerful step in your SEO ranking journey. This is what makes or breaks your SEO ranking speed.
I decided to make this a separate lesson because of how important it is.
This is my Search Console dashboard at the moment.
What is Google search console?
Google Search Console (GSC) is an SEO tool (by Google) or SEO service that helps website owners and advertisers track, monitor, maintain, and evaluate your website's organic search presence.
(You do not need to run Google ads or fund your account to use this hack in Search Console - this is not PPC)
This will help your SEO blog post pages to show up on Google twice as fast.
What is the Search Engine Search Console used for?
Google Search Console gives users the data that they need to rank organically on Google search result pages (SERPs).
And the 2 most popular search consoles are;
What you need to do is go to Google Search Console and log in.
After connecting your website, you should be able to see your search website's metrics. Your Google search console dashboard should look like this;
You can see the Overview, Performance, URL Inspection, and Pages, beside your dashboard, on the control panel.
So whenever I make a new post, what I do is copy the blog post link (or URL) and submit (paste) it by using the Inspect any URL here.
Go to Google Search Console and log in.
You can then begin submitting more URLs from the connected domain.
(You cannot submit URLs from other domains that are not verified in your Google or Bing Search Console)
Use the URL submission bar to request indexing. Here's how:
The process is pretty much the same for Bing Search Console Service.
You should always submit URLs every time you publish a new SEO blog page.
Your Bing Webmaster tool should look something like this:
So you can click URL submission. Click submit URLs and enter any URL(s) that you want to submit to your Bing.
This is the fastest way to put your new content on Google and Bing's map. So you're able to rank faster.
Now, this requires a lot of time, energy, and some level of experience or practice.
If you don't have the time or experience, you can simply hire me to manage and run your business blog every single day, week, or month-to-month depending on your projects and business.
And, here's the interesting thing that I want to share with you guys.
I've been doing SEO for more than 10 years now and this is just one aspect. There is more to SEO. SEO is challenging because it evolves every single day.
Thus we ALL need to constantly improve and be on top of the game.
So I am simply offering something I've never done before.
I reveal a dozen (12+) SEO secrets that I HAVE NEVER SHARED ANYWHERE ONLINE. And I will never share it online.
If you follow my blog, you know I put out a lot of actionable content. And this short SEO e-book is no different.
I put together this short book for business owners, SEOs, marketers, and digital marketing agencies just like yours.
You will also come across some of the ways I've used to literally "bypass" Google SERP (whitehat strategies) and give my content the best possible headstart on search engines even with a LOW DOMAIN-AUTHORITY Website.
So I'm inviting you to get a copy of this book, The 12 SEO Secrets by Simon Taki Zaku (my humble self).
It is currently going for $19.
This is my special way of saying thank you and I hope you join my community and share this Free SEO course with your friends, and colleagues (I follow back on social media).
Have a productive day, my SEO friend,
Simon Taki Zaku
Owner; https://simonzaku.com/