How Startups Harness Blogging for Lead Generation & Customer Acquisition
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The Power of Words: How Startups Harness Blogging for Lead Generation & Customer Acquisition

Updated: Dec 6, 2023

Have you ever thought about how startups leverage blogging for lead generation and customer acquisition?

Or how huge companies make millions of dollars by creating strategic blog content?

Did you know that 91% of marketers surveyed attained success with their content marketing in research by SEMRush?

The Power of Words: How Startups Harness Blogging for Lead Generation & Customer Acquisition

As a business, you can build your business off strategic content. I mean, exceptional content that is targeted to your ideal customers or clients.

People who are willing to buy from you.

Great content can drive sales and boost your visibility. In this blog article, I will show you exactly how startups and businesses generate 100s of leads and customers from creating blog content.

The Power of Words: How Startups Harness Blogging for Lead Generation & Customer Acquisition

What is Startup Content Marketing?

What is content marketing?

Content marketing is the process of promoting a piece of content to a specific audience to achieve a desired goal or objective.

For example, if you are a startup and you sell a software product (SAAS), you can create content around your industry and then promote it to your target buyers, with the hopes that it would convert into sales.

Or in the B2C space; let's say you sell books, you could create content around those books and then promote that content to your target readers.

This can attract leads and generate sales.

This could be through emails, search engine optimization, social media channels, et cetera.

It is the process of promoting any form of content that you have already published online.

It doesn't matter whether it's on a blog a social media platform, or a community forum.

As long as you create content for a specific audience and promote to that audience with a call to action (CTA) to get results, probably sales, then that is content marketing.

How then does content marketing increase the number of new leads for startups?

How does content marketing attract potential customers or clients for startups?

Strategic Content is created to attract a specific target audience and get them to take action.

This could be signing up, subscribing to a newsletter, joining a free trial version, trying your services, or making purchases.

Let's use my blog as an example; this very blog; is

How I Attract Leads and Sales from My Blog

How does my blog content promote my blog writing services?

You come to this blog and read an article about startup content and B2B content marketing.

If you feel my content portfolio is great and believe I have a certain level of SEO expertise that your startup might need, then you can reach out to me to work with me.

Even though most traffic that comes to my site will not convert into sales, they may turn to email subscribers. This way, I can reach them with targeted marketing emails with specific CTAs to grow my business.

Content revolves around the value you provide to your audience.

That is how I use blog content marketing to attract new leads for my business daily.

And that is how other startups, brands, and businesses, generate sales from content marketing.

What is My Blog Content Strategy?

I treat every single blog content as a business on its own.

Let's say I create content on "the best hairdressing cream for women". I would treat it as a stand-alone business. Promoting hairdressing saloons close by where I get referral bonuses.

I could create another content on "the best kitchen utensils", and I would treat that as a separate business itself. Promoting kitchen utensils I am affiliated with.

I would promote every single content, very well so that each content could be able to generate sales.

That is how even billion-dollar companies attract sales from content.

You show expertise or experience to your target audience through content (it could be video, it could be eBooks, it could be lead magnets, it could be blogs, and so many more) and sell to them.

As long as you create and promote content with a call to action, then that is content marketing.

You are attracting people to take action after consuming your content.

How Does My Blog Content Promote My Services?

Content that is published on this very blog is to attract a specific audience, and hopefully get them to hire me to write content for them or to promote or handle their marketing, and content marketing tasks for their startups or digital agencies.

Each content on this blog is linked to my sales funnel with 'content' being at the top of the funnel.

Here's a diagram of a funnel starting with traffic then content, newsletter, customers, clients, newsletter, or email subscribers.

The Power of Words: How Startups Harness Blogging for Lead Generation & Customer Acquisition

Another example is HubSpot.

HubSpot has one of the best B2B content on the internet, which amounts to millions of traffic from search engines alone.

That has added tens of thousands of leads to their email list, which has converted to a good chunk of sales. The same applies to another startup, UniClixApp.

UniClixApp is a social media application that I worked with to create and manage its blog content weekly.

During our marketing campaign, we used content to attract traffic to the website and then promoted the software within the content.

These blog posts converted to email subscribers, fans, and app users for that very software; UniclixApp.

Do you get it?

Here's the question;

Why Do Most Blog Content Marketing Strategies Fail to Attract Leads?

I get asked a lot of times;

"Simon, I still cannot figure out why my startup blog traffic is stagnant, even though I create exceptional content".

Here's it:

Personally, from my 10-year research in content and marketing, content alone is not king.

Creating exceptional content alone and hoping results come in won't work.

Yes, I know you've heard a lot of times that content is king, content is king, but I do not believe content alone (without marketing) is king.

And luckily I created a detailed guide explaining why.

Here's the link to the article:

Are you looking to hire an SEO blog writer for your business, startup, or agency?

Do you need a blog content marketing specialist for your brand?

Use the contact me page or email simonzakucom at gmail dot com and I'll get back to you within 24 hours.

Have any questions? Let's chat in the comments section ;)

Have a productive day, my friend!


Simon Taki Zaku

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