How I Became Friends Popular Bloggers
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How I Became Friends with Popular Bloggers - my Blogging Story (PDF EBook)

Learn how I started collaborating (and building meaningful relationships with popular social media influencers and expert bloggers in the B2B space.

If you are a content creator, beginner blogger, SEO, or marketer this book will help you build relationships with social media and blogging influencers in your niche.

My name is Simon Taki Zaku and I started my first blog in 2012 and called it Zakxloaded dot com.

At the time, I felt no one was ever going to read nonetheless share my blog posts.

I was wrong...

My very first blog post attracted over 3k social media shares, brought in 100s of email subscribers/leads and tens of thousands of visitors too (20,000+).

simon zaku's first blog post seen through google's time machine

That very post (here's the post), has also brought in 100s of blog subscribers to my website. And most importantly still ranks on Google for these keyword:

I had lost the post at some point so I decided to update and republish it as it has proven to be a useful resource.

After that post, I got several mentions from big names and influencers in my niche (images below). And even secured quite a number of guest feature request on brands like Globalsocialmediacoaching by Keith Keller, Ninjaoutreach, Forbes and more.

I decided to write a short ebook for you (YES, I WANT YOU TO HAVE IT) revealing the secrets I used to achieve this result.

Is this something that interests you?

Read on...

How I Became Friends with 100+ Popular Bloggers and Social Media Influencers (Within My First Year Blogging) - HACK!

How I Became Friends with 100+ Popular Bloggers (in a Year) with this EASY HACK!

I still remember the very night I published my first ever blog post on this blog. It was an expert round up blog post.

What is an expert round up blog post?

It's a type of blog post where the blogger (or host) invites 2 or more experts, influencers, thought leaders to feature within one blog post. That blog post is a collaborative effort thus is called "Expert Round Up Blog Posts"

I have a detailed blog post on how to create expert round up blog posts from start to finish for your own blog. I show you how to find influencers, mail them, and get you post viral after publishing. You can read the guide here:

Now, after publishing that post, I was so tired, I went straight to bed with my laptop literally beside me.

I woke up the next morning and checked my traffic.


0 Clicks, 0 Leads, 0 Reads, and a comment from my best friend, Jerry.

I expected that so I began applying the secret strategies I had planned.

And in 7 days, the blog post hit 1,000 social media shares, 20,000 visitors, and about 200 email subscribers.

Awesome results from a Nigerian-teen, yeah?

Now, what helped me achieve this result within 7 days?

If you have tried emailing, or sending a DM to influencers online, you know it is not easy and most times, they do not read or reply!

Nonetheless, I was able to develop this unique hidden strategy for getting these busy social media influencers to open my emails, reply to them, and build long-term relationships with them.

simon zaku's first blog post

I still reach out to most of these influencers anytime I publish a new blog article and they happily check it.

Everything boils down to the one secret approach that I used…

How to Become Friends with Popular Bloggers (eBook)
Please share with your audience on Pinterest :)

I have never seen, read, or watched it anywhere on the internet yet and that is exactly what is packed in my book, How to Become Friends with Popular Bloggers (as a new blogger).


  1. How to make social media influencers or poplar social media figures notice your page without much effort.

  2. One strategy I used was to make popular bloggers notice my new blog.

  3. How I began exchanging emails and DMs with 100+ verified social media influencers and top bloggers [with a single secret hack].

  4. Getting the most influential bloggers and marketers on the internet to share my blog articles.

  5. How I got over 1,000 social media shares on my FIRST blog content in 7 days.

Want to get a copy of the ebook?

Click this link to grab your copy now and start building the relationships that matter in your blogging career. HURRY and grab your copy for 3 bucks while you still can.

$2.99 offer ends soon. Don’t be left out!!!

Blog Strategies: How I Build Relationships with Influential Bloggers!

Have any questions regarding purchase? You can send me an email via Simonzakucom at Gmail dot com or Simonwritesagency at Gmail dot com.

What popular bloggers are you currently friends with?

See you in the community, BUDDY! Simon ZAKU.

Founder: SimonWrites Agency

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